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James D. Lowenthal

Mary Elizabeth Moses Professor of Astronomy

James Lowenthal


McConnell Hall 412


James Lowenthal's research interests include high redshift galaxies, Lyman break galaxies, starburst galaxies, millimeter and submillimeter galaxies, galaxy formation and evolution, QSO absorption line systems, QSO host galaxies and ultra-faint radio sources.

Selected Publications Since 2005

"X-ray detections of submillimetre galaxies: active galactic nuclei versus starburst contribution", Johnson, S. P. et al, 2013, MNRAS 431, 662.

"The source counts of submillimetre galaxies detected at λ= 1.1 mm", Scott, K. S. et al, 2012, MNRAS, 423, 575.

"Deep 1.1 mm-wavelength imaging of the GOODS-S field by AzTEC/ASTE - II. Redshift distribution and nature of the submillimetre galaxy population", Yun, M. S. et al,  2012, MNRAS, 420, 957.

"The VLT LBG Redshift Survey- II. Interactions between galaxies and the IGM at z˜ 3", Crighton, N. H. M. et al,  2011, MNRAS, 414, 28.

"The VLT LBG Redshift Survey - I. Clustering and dynamics of ≈1000 galaxies at z≈ 3", Bielby, R. M., 2011, MNRAS, 414, 2.

"Color-Magnitude Relation and Morphology of Low-Redshift ULIRGs in Sloan Digital Sky Survey ", Chen, Yuxi; Lowenthal, James D.; Yun, Min S., 2010, ApJ, 712, 1385.

"AzTEC half square degree survey of the SHADES fields - I. Maps, catalogues and source counts", Austermann, J. E. et al, 2010, MNRAS, 401, 160.

"The AzTEC/SMA Interferometric Imaging Survey of Submillimeter-selected High-redshift Galaxies", Younger, Joshua D. et al,  2009, ApJ, 704, 803.

"Dynamics of Lyman Break Galaxies and Their Host Halos," J. D. Lowenthal, D. C. Koo, L. Simard & E. van Kampen, 2009, ApJ, 703, 198.
Full-resolution images available here.

"An AzTEC 1.1 mm survey of the GOODS-N field -- II. Multi-wavelength identifications and redshift distribution," E. Chapin et al, 2009, MNRAS, 398, 1793.
"Spitzer IRAC infrared colours of submillimetre-bright galaxies," M. Yun et al, 2008, MNRAS, 389, 333.

"Evidence for a Population of High–Redshift Submillimeter Galaxies from Interferometric Imaging," J. D. Younger et al, 2007, ApJ, 671, 1531

"Measuring the Halo Mass of z=3 Damped Ly–alpha Absorbers from the Absorber–Galaxy Cross–correlation," N. Bouché, J. P. Gardner, D. H. Weinberg, N. Katz, R. Davé and J. D. Lowenthal, 2005, ApJ, 628, 89

"The Star Formation Rate-Density Relationship at Redshift Three," N. Bouché & J. D. Lowenthal, 2005, ApJLett, 623, 75


Ph.D., University of Arizona
B.S., Yale College

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